Meet Liliya
English Cream Golden Retriever
Teddybear Goldendoodle Dam

Cream European English Cream Golden Retriever Dam Okefeild Acres Missouri

Meet Liliya

"Okefeild Acres Pure Imagination"

European English Cream Golden Retriever
AKC Registered
Coat Color - Cream
Weight - 70 lbs
Height From Top Of Shoulder To The Ground - 20"

Liliya is a European English Cream Golden Retriever out of our very own Champion sired dam, Tatiana and International Champion imported sire Cleveland. Outgoing and happy natured, she has her mom and dad’s loving temperament and excellent body structure. Her dam has been an excellent mother for us and Liliya is an attentive and nurturing mother as well. Her first litter was just gorgeous and we expect beautiful, well tempered puppies from her in the future.

Health Testing

Most Common Health Issues For Golden Retrievers

DM - Degenerative Myelopathy - Clear
GR-PRA1 - Golden Retriever PRA - Clear
GR-PRA2 - Golden Retriever PRA - Clear
ICH - Ichthyosis - Carrier
Approved To Breed With A Clear Male
MD - Muscular Dystrophy - Clear
NCLGR - Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis - Clear
PRA-prcd - Clear
Testing Through Animal Genetics
